Large Animal Surgery
LOCVS offers a wide variety of large animal surgeries, from routine castrations, umbilical hernias, to laceration repairs. Whether your circumstance is scheduled or requires a emergency procedure, we will do our best to provide exceptional care for your animal. Some of our surgical procedures include:
Castration (Cryptorchid)
Umbilical Hernia Repair ​​
Cattle & Goat Cosmetic Dehorn
Sheep Cosmetic Tail Dock
Cesarean Section
Laceration Repair
Bovine Digit Amputation
When your in need of a Large Animal Surgery, you can always count on LOCVS! Give us a call and schedule an appointment or if you have an emergency call 361-449-5440, if it's after hours, leave a voicemail and the Doctor on call will call you back!

Horse had punctured itself and needed to be sutured.

Patient needed sutures after lacerating it's ear.

Bull Under Anesthesia for a Digit Amputation.

Horse had punctured itself and needed to be sutured.